Thursday, June 2, 2011

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  • aeaglex07
    Apr 20, 10:40 AM
    Don't rely on encryption to protect you in any way. The police can crack it, as can hackers, and they can simply demand with a court order that you give them the password. Then you're forced to essentially testify against yourself. No, pleading the 5th won't help.

    *We Luvz Big Bruther* :(

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  • timmillwood
    Sep 10, 10:46 AM
    can they fit one of these into a MBP?

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  • donlphi
    Sep 5, 01:24 PM
    Is a streaming box really what you want? I mean, it's one thing to connect my airport express to my bose stereo system and let it play a playlist from my computer in my office, but if we have a streaming video, we still have to go to our office and start the video from the other room. If that's the case, I might as well move my computer to my living room.

    They will have to have something that allows you to access your audio and video files with a remote. Maybe an aiport express with a remote control and user interface similar, but better than frontrow.

    Right now a mac mini can do all of the things you need it to. You can stream video from another computer on the network, you can connect it to your T.V. and stereo. What would be the point of a new airport extreme if for $200 more you can get an entire compuer.

    just some random thoughts...

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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 19, 10:33 PM
    How sleazy of you, Apple.

    Almost like stabbing in the back.

    Not nice, Apple, not nice.

    You know what's sleazy? Working with a partner while secretly copying that partner's work to create a competing product.

    Microsoft did this to Apple with Windows. Google did this to Apple with Android. And Samsung did this with their phone/tablet designs and their UI overlay.

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  • iMeowbot
    Sep 5, 06:18 PM
    How does trademarking work in Europe? Here in the use you trademark something, and you don't have to specify what industry its in, or what the trademark is used for.
    In the Us, if you want a registered mark, you do have to specify the use. That's why Apple can have a trademark for Mac, and MAC cosmetics can too, and McDonalds can have their Big Macs and so on.

    You will find in just the USPTO records that the Apple logo is registered multiple times for different uses, and they seem to add one or two each year.

    There is a whole separate issue with "famous" marks that can make the rights more expansive, but that is more the exception than the rule.

    in Europe do you have to register it for each unique industry? Otherwise, why would they be reapplying if they already have it?
    It's not just for an industry but for particular classes of products and services. In both the US and Europe there is a common classification system for this stuff (Nice Union, yet another WIPO treaty).

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  • Macnoviz
    Sep 19, 01:39 PM
    During the meanwhilst, any news from Amazon Unbox ?

    How well did they do?

    Because it's easy to throw numbers at us, but withouth any comparison, it doesn't really say that much (although it's probably very good)

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  • JobsRules
    Oct 27, 09:22 AM
    So all Greenpeace did was hand out leaflets in areas other than their stand? So they didn't smash up the Apple stand or invade Adobe chanting and shouting.

    They handed out leaflets and were ejected because no one's ever allowed to talk about the downsides of our throwaway consumer-trinket technojunk culture without being told to shut up.

    Heck, every trade show I ever go to has girls with their tits half hanging out wondering the halls handing out leaflets nowhere near their particular stand.

    Sad to see so many people now happy to have people's free speech stamped all over. No wonder Bush can dismantle the Bill of Rights and his lapdog Blair can swiftly remove centruries-old liberties with barely a whisper. I agree with Greenpeace's concerns. Vast toxic waste dumps with no proper processing are springing up across China.

    If some fat overfed Westerner's kids had to live and play near a site like that they'd be up in arms! But, no, let's pretend the problems are somehow 'made up' by 'subversives' and need stamping out with the jackboots.

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  • ChazUK
    Apr 19, 07:28 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.3; en-gb; Nexus S Build/GRI40) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

    Samsung running Android look very very similar to Apple's, to the point where it causes confusion in the marketplace for consumers. I've seen several people mistake one of these things for an iPhone because they look that similar. It's a combination of Google's Android and Samsung's hardware.

    This confusion is no accident, that was the intent all along. There is no reason why they could not create their own look and feel... change it up enough so it's not an obvious copy. Other handset makers have been able to do that.

    The Nexus S looks different to the Galaxy S in software and physical looks but is included in the suit. As that is a Google experience device I do wonder why Apple don't target Google directly.

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  • ChrisA
    Mar 22, 09:32 PM
    Pity they didn't slim down the iMac by choppin' the chin (assuming this rumor is true). Can't wait to see what they release. The old "smaller iMac" rumor priced for the "mass market" kept me interested in the next iMac update--hope to see something trimmed for the "mass market".

    Figured iMacs would update in April.

    I just took my iMac apart to replace a failed hard drive. It is easy to see why the chin is required if you ever go in there and look. Don't go by those teardown photos thy loose the 3D effect you get in person.

    If nothing else the upper part of the LCD must be at about eye level for ergonomic reasons so what else does one do with the space below the LCD? They need some empty space for the speaker's boxes and air must flow some how from bottom vents the the centers of those squirrel cadge fans. The LCD panel has a certain thickness so the things said above must go in some part of the computer with no LCD. While some don't like "chin", believe me, "forehead" or "cheeks" would be way-far worse.

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  • localoid
    Apr 22, 02:19 AM
    I really hope this happens but I have a feeling that it will be hobbled in some way. If it runs from an iTunes master copy of songs then it might preclude people uploading music that has been ripped from CDs or bought somewhere else (like Amazon).

    Actually, Amazon gives you 5 gigs of space on your cloud drive for your own MP3s. When/if you buy songs from them, you get additional space for the songs you've purchased.

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  • tkambitsch
    Apr 30, 07:51 PM
    I bought probably the very last PPC iMac at the end of 2006 (or was the end of 2005?). It died on Wednesday. I can still get to the HHD via Target mode so I think I should be able to move everything over as soon as I get one of the new ones. COME ON TUESDAY! Any ideas when they may ship?

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  • mondesi43
    May 3, 01:22 PM
    RAM & HD - are not worth the effort it takes to swap them out yourself. I'd gladly pay an extra $50 to already have it done.

    HD - I'd agree with you plus you void the warranty doing it yourself.

    RAM - Disagree. Definitely worth the effort to do it yourself. OWC or Crucial for RAM. OWC has RAM rebate for sending in your old RAM. It takes 5 minutes.....

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  • clintob
    Oct 12, 03:49 PM
    You do realize HIV effects women differently than men? It also effects children differently than adults.

    Do yourself a favor and do a quick google on how much money has been spent on HIV research and prevention for children and women, compare that to men with HIV. Then do a search on children/women with HIV and mortality rates compared to men w/HIV.

    We live in a very sexist society. HIV research was never funded or taken seriously by society at large until heterosexual white men started to develop AIDS.

    I don't want to pick a fight, because that wasn't the intention of my post, but I'm sorry - this statement is, if not patently false, at very least highly misguided and irresponsible.

    The mortality rate of HIV is far higher in men than in women - and it always has been. You look this up very easily all over the web, on the CDC's website, and any number of other places... it's very clear. But if you really want to go there, here's an empirical medical fact: at its worst levels of infection (in the mid 1990s), HIV mortality rates were nearly 30 per 100,000 for men, and barely over 5 per 100,000 in women. Look it up.

    As for the disease affecting men/women/children differently, sure that's true, but it's true for pretty much every disease. Children's mortality rates are almost always higher than healthy adults. They are smaller, weaker, and have less developed immune systems. That's got nothing to do with HIV.

    And as for when HIV research was taken seriously, I think to make a sexist claim against that is pretty unfounded. You can certainly make the heterosexual part of the argument - that's been well documented. But to say that science discriminates between male and female disease affliction rates is completely irresponsible. Our society is sexist in many ways, no argument there, but to say that scientific research is based on the proportion of male afflictions to female afflictions is insane. If that were true, breast cancer (which, by the way, affects FAR less women than prostate cancer does men) wouldn't be on every commercial and in every fundraiser known to man.

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  • Dont Hurt Me
    Oct 27, 09:25 AM
    Free speech was killed decades ago by every business along with every govts help. Green Peace agreed though to keep it in the booth, they didnt so they are to blame. This is a Mac expo not a tree huggers convention.

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  • liamwillib
    Apr 22, 04:37 AM
    Maybe you wouldn't. I could see a use for it myself - I have a library of music so big you couldn't fit it all on any existing iPhone, and it's annoying to be out someplace and wanting to listen to a song, but you can't because you had to exclude it from your last sync. It would be preferable then for me to be able to link my iPhone to my music library and just have Apple deliver everything to me on demand... be it from the hard drive at home or from a central location.

    Of course, how this is all implemented will play a big role in whether the service is useful to me or not. If I can't listen to the CDs I bought and imported into iTunes for example... that's a dealbreaker as far as I'm concerned.

    This is why i would love this service, i can't even fit half my music on my phone, let alone video. I would love to be able to sync a few gigs of songs locally, and if I fancy listening to a song left on my laptop (or apple cloud) i could stream it.
    I envision the best way of presenting this local and remote info is by listing all the media on the iPhone in the form of album art or text, and greying out/applying a symbol to the music/video that would require streaming. If apple implement this something like this seamlessly, then they've got a winner in my opinion.

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  • Skika
    Apr 25, 03:54 PM
    The "step forward" of which you speak, of which is the basis of this article, is only in regards to the exterior design, nothing else. Sure if they improve upon the durability and the ease of servicing, that'll be a decent step forward, otherwise, we're talking about cosmetics, and again while most of the people who lurk these forums care about form over function, function is all that matters and it won't be that different next rev, redesign or not.

    Herp derp. Im pretty sure there will be a minor spec bump as well, and exterior design in a laptop is a pretty important feature or a "function and should be taken in consideration just as well (or not even more) than a new "ixy procesor" and a "8650 gt mx" graphics card, which in most cases just serve as a hard on for spec geeks.

    why am i even responding you are clearly bitter and are writing purely from that bitterness.

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  • Dandaman
    Sep 13, 08:56 PM
    hmmmm, interesting, wonder when it'll come out

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  • xsnightclub
    Sep 13, 10:03 PM
    Maybe the reason for not having a traditional keypad is that this is actually the iPhone Shuffle.

    Apple's market research team has concluded that people get tired of talking to the same people all time. And since the iPod Shuffle is such a hit playing songs randomly,
    the new iPhone Shuffle will randomly dial numbers, so every call you make is never boring.

    Got more than 240 numbers in your adressbook? No problem. Let iTunes autofill your iPhone shuffle and get a new telephonic experience every time. Mom follows Work. Home follows Pizza Parlor. iPhone shuffle loves to improvise. Take the Shuffle switch, for instance. Even if you�ve synced a particular call-list, you can shuffle numbers with a flick.

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  • MacLawyer
    Apr 4, 12:14 PM
    Mac...a computer to die for.

    Apr 11, 08:04 AM
    All those monthly bills add up. I'm glad I never bought an iPhone, for example, when they first came out. I've saved a ton of money not buying the required data plan that goes comes with it. I don't want to put words in your mouth but it sounds like our priorities are all wrong and I agree.

    If you live in a city and are highly social then an iPhone might be a good thing for you personally. If you live in suburbia and have high transportation expenses, then you might not be able to afford it anyway.

    Are you referring to the public-sector unions that workers must join and must pay dues to? Because Unions exist everywhere in just about every field. How would the recent push against public sector unions collective bargaining effect this private company? It seems IKEA has the power to mistreat its employees because they're desperate for work. They've even hired a firm to "convince" the workers not to unionize.

    yes, but I'm looking for evidence that the workers are unable to unionize due to a law that the "right" has passed.

    My statement was made with a broad brush, not a specific one.

    Perhaps another way of getting my point across is to ask you to point out labor friendly laws that the Republicans have passed in the last 30 years.

    I don't see what your point does that respond to the person you quoted? He was saying people made bad choice due to keep oil and you say "I'm glad I didn't get an iPhone right away"

    The price of gas living in suburbia is much more of a drain on a household then an extra 20 dollars for iPhone data. 20 bucks is nothing in a month of gas. And for the amount of usage iPhones often get(like in my case) it is well worth the money for many people.

    Don't criticize people for making different choices then yourself

    The point I was trying to make is that high commuting costs means people have to make tough choices about their discretionary spending.

    Sep 14, 10:39 AM
    I just hope they don't stick iSights in all the displays.

    I know, it would be nice, but have you ever worked in a government installation before? No photographic devices of any kind. Co-workers at my last job are stuck with PowerBooks because they can't bring a MacBook (Pro) into any area that contains classified material, and many of them have their offices in such locations. If they couldn't buy new Cinema display I'm sure they'd be even more annoyed.

    Sucked for some that had to find cell phones without a camera, too.

    Apr 19, 10:42 AM
    So what? They're already getting sued by Apple, so what's another lawsuit? Point is, contract breach or not, Samsung could cripple Apple's whole ecosystem within days by halting all processor shipments. Apple makes the vast majority on iDevices and this would kill Apple's whole economic model. And this doesn't even account for Samsungs components that go into their Macs. As a result, Apple would have no hardware to sell. They would dip into their treasure chest. It could be devastating to Apple.

    And then Apple would ruin Samsung, cratering them with winning lawsuits. Also, Samsung would lose their reputation in the supply chain as well as their credibility, and it would likely damage the Korean economy as a whole, and South Korea politically as well. You're talking about one company causing problems for tens of millions of consumers, and a mountain of negative news. If Samsung wanted to be bankrupted within a decade, this would be a way, for sure.

    Oct 13, 02:12 AM

    Doesn't anyone else think they're sending kind of a mixed message here? Both of them listening to music with an unprotected iPod? Somebody roll a nano tube sock onto that thing!

    Apr 30, 03:59 PM
    The hardware giant has confirmed that Sandy Bridge was designed with an integrated content protection to prevent piracy of high-end digital quality.

    Please explain.

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